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Nahamu fights for the right of every Jewish person to live a life that is guided by their religion, without sacrificing their personal autonomy or welfare. We support those who wish to live a full and sustaining life of religious observance in the community that they have chosen, as well as those who wish to make changes to their lifestyle or move to a different part of the community.

If you need support asserting your civil liberties within a Jewish religious community, want to have your story heard, or wish to raise specific concerns in confidence, get in touch with Nahamu now.

Nahamu provides advocacy and insight, rather than personal support services. If you require assistance of this nature, we recommend that you contact GesherEU or Mavar.

The denial of education in the Charedi community is a human rights issue

I grew up in Glasgow, and as a teenager I met Charedi girls my age. On Sunday mornings, we would learn Chumash with Rashi, sitting around the teacher’s dining table…

Rabbis, please confirm shunning children is inconsistent with Jewish law

Sitting in the Court of Appeal listening to the one day appeal on the High Court decision of J v B[1] was a surreal experience. The case involved a transgender father..

Forced Marriage: Analysis of Arranged Marriage as Practised in Jewish Communities

Jewish think tank, Nahamu speaks out against forced marriage within the Charedi Jewish communityNahamu has identified markers of forced marriage in the Charedi Jewish community and created guidance to enable..

Success stories are not the whole story

Nahamu welcomes the announcement of the Board of Deputies of British Jews that it is opening a public dialogue on the relationship between the mainstream Jewish communities and the haredi communities. The..

Who cares about the women?

A guest post by Shmuli Simon.Parashas Vayechi marks the completion of Sefer Bereshis. That’s a significant piece of Torah learning and, in my opinion, something to be celebrated.However, after learning..

And If Not Stern, Spitzer?

The gadfly activist Shraga Stern has built quite the media profile for himself of late. It is amazing what a combination of ghostwriting, photobombing and sock-puppetry can achieve in the smoke-and-mirrors world..