The second reading of the Children’s Wellbeing and School’s Bill has drawn a fresh round of protests that have been both feverish and tone-deaf.London protests were mirrored by parallel demonstrations […]
Who cares about the women?
A guest post by Shmuli Simon.Parashas Vayechi marks the completion of Sefer Bereshis. That’s a significant piece of Torah learning and, in my opinion, something to be celebrated.However, after learning […]
On abuse, we haven’t even started talking
I live my life fairly publicly in some respects, hoping people learn from the mistakes made when I was sexually abused by Todros Grynhaus. I hope that by speaking out about […]
#ItsNotOK: The community’s response can hurt more than the abuse
From the 4th to the 10th of February, police forces, local authorities, third sector workers, activists and individuals across the UK will mark Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week. This year, […]
Kinah: From A Survivor Of Child Sexual Abuse
The following poem is a contemporary kinah, lamentation, written in commemoration of Tisha b’Av, the fast which commemorates the destruction of the Temple. The quoted Hebrew text comes from Eicha, […]
‘Today I am a woman…’: Rewriting our batmitzvah speeches
The speech you give when you’re 12 doesn’t always reflect the Jewish woman you grow up to be. On International Women’s Day we asked four women to reimagine their big […]
Faith in the face of abuse
Listen to a recording of a talk given by Yehudis Fletcher on sexual abuse and faith.